Brooke Johnson &
The RT. Hon. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, November 1st, 1985.
Courtesy of the Archives of the National Theatre School of Canada

Trudeau Stories
By Brooke Johnson
"A lush and intricate script, a remarkable theatre experience." L. MacPherson, The Guardian
"Engaging, Vital, Rich, Intimate. ****" Jon Kaplan, Now Magazine
"This is a Winner. Trudeau Stories is a portrait of a shared friendship built on love of the outdoors, of poetry, of theatre...of Life Itself." John Coulbourn, Toronto Sun
“An unexpectedly engaging memoir…like turning the pages of a live snapshot album…it’s delightful.” Robert Cushman, National Post
"Beautifully written, poignant...and very funny." Lynn Slotkin, CBC RADIO
“Trudeau Stories succeeds in the way that all theatre yearns to succeed...this is an engaging encounter with two memorable personalities, not to be missed. It is amazing!"
Marianne Ackerman, Rover Arts, Montreal
"This show has enthralled audiences throughout the nation..it is a work of art...of genius...remarkable in every way"
C. Scrafield, Orangeville Citizen
"Trudeau Stories est un petit Bijou!" Le Devoir
"Johnson is a magician of sorts, for she manages to conjure Pierre Elliott Trudeau out of thin air." Kate Watson, The Coast
“Poignant and tender…this haunting…tale has a lovely secret that it keeps right up to the very last line of the play…As the houselights come up, we are wakened like from a dream.“ Robin Breon, Aisle Say